Search Results for "binary number"
2651 - 2660 of 13135 for binary numberSearch Results

"The" Sylvester graph is a quintic graph on 36 nodes and 90 edges that is the unique distance-regular graph with intersection array {5,4,2;1,1,4} (Brouwer et al. 1989, ...
There are a number of meanings for the word "arc" in mathematics. In general, an arc is any smooth curve joining two points. The length of an arc is known as its arc length. ...
When the index nu is real, the functions J_nu(z), J_nu^'(z), Y_nu(z), and Y_nu^'(z) each have an infinite number of real zeros, all of which are simple with the possible ...
Bridge is a card game played with a normal deck of 52 cards. The number of possible distinct 13-card hands is N=(52; 13)=635013559600, (1) where (n; k) is a binomial ...
The (connected) caveman graph is a graph arising in social network theory formed by modifying a set of isolated k-cliques (or "caves") by removing one edge from each clique ...
If Y_i have normal independent distributions with mean 0 and variance 1, then chi^2=sum_(i=1)^rY_i^2 (1) is distributed as chi^2 with r degrees of freedom. This makes a chi^2 ...
The complete bipartite graph K_(1,3) is a tree known as the "claw." It is isomorphic to the star graph S_4, and is sometimes known as the Y graph (Horton and Bouwer 1991; ...
A game played with two dice. If the total is 7 or 11 (a "natural"), the thrower wins and retains the dice for another throw. If the total is 2, 3, or 12 ("craps"), the ...
The phrase dependent percolation is used in two-dimensional discrete percolation to describe any general model in which the states of the various graph edges (in the case of ...
The most general forced form of the Duffing equation is x^..+deltax^.+(betax^3+/-omega_0^2x)=gammacos(omegat+phi). (1) Depending on the parameters chosen, the equation can ...