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A space-filling polyhedron is a polyhedron which can be used to generate a tessellation of space. Although even Aristotle himself proclaimed in his work On the Heavens that ...
The concept of a space is an extremely general and important mathematical construct. Members of the space obey certain addition properties. Spaces which have been ...
The space join of a topological space X and a point P, C(X)=X*P.
A curve which may pass through any region of three-dimensional space, as contrasted to a plane curve which must lie in a single plane. Von Staudt (1847) classified space ...
The line segment connecting opposite polyhedron vertices (i.e., two polyhedron vertices which do not share a common face) in a parallelepiped or other similar solid. Also ...
The maximal number of regions into which space can be divided by n planes is f(n)=1/6(n^3+5n+6) (Yaglom and Yaglom 1987, pp. 102-106). For n=1, 2, ..., these give the values ...
The number of regions into which space can be divided by n mutually intersecting spheres is N=1/3n(n^2-3n+8), giving 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, 52, 84, ... (OEIS A046127) for n=1, 2, ...
The space groups in two dimensions are called wallpaper groups. In three dimensions, the space groups are the symmetry groups possible in a crystal lattice with the ...
Let X and Y be topological spaces. Then their join is the factor space X*Y=(X×Y×I)/∼, (1) where ∼ is the equivalence relation (x,y,t)∼(x^',y^',t^')<=>{t=t^'=0 and x=x^'; or ; ...
A four-vector a_mu is said to be spacelike if its four-vector norm satisfies a_mua^mu>0. One should note that the four-vector norm is nothing more than a special case of the ...
