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The Wigner 9j-symbols are a generalization of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and Wigner 3j- and 6j-symbols which arises in the coupling of four angular momenta. They can be ...
A set of 15 open problems on Schrödinger operators proposed by mathematical physicist Barry Simon (2000). This set of problems follows up a 1984 list of open problems in ...
The Remez algorithm (Remez 1934), also called the Remez exchange algorithm, is an application of the Chebyshev alternation theorem that constructs the polynomial of best ...
A hash function H projects a value from a set with many (or even an infinite number of) members to a value from a set with a fixed number of (fewer) members. Hash functions ...
The hypercube is a generalization of a 3-cube to n dimensions, also called an n-cube or measure polytope. It is a regular polytope with mutually perpendicular sides, and is ...
The truncated icosahedron is the 32-faced Archimedean solid with 60 vertices corresponding to the facial arrangement 20{6}+12{5}. It is also the uniform polyhedron with ...
A phenomenological law also called the first digit law, first digit phenomenon, or leading digit phenomenon. Benford's law states that in listings, tables of statistics, ...
"Chaos" is a tricky thing to define. In fact, it is much easier to list properties that a system described as "chaotic" has rather than to give a precise definition of chaos. ...
The spherical harmonics Y_l^m(theta,phi) are the angular portion of the solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates where azimuthal symmetry is not present. Some ...
A problem is an exercise whose solution is desired. Mathematical "problems" may therefore range from simple puzzles to examination and contest problems to propositions whose ...
