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A regular graph that is not strongly regular is known as a weakly regular graph. There are no weakly regular simple graphs on fewer than six nodes, and the numbers on n=6, 7, ...
The third prime number, which is also the second Fermat prime, the third Sophie Germain prime, and Fibonacci number F_4. It is an Eisenstein prime, but not a Gaussian prime, ...
An alkane graph is a tree in which vertices correspond to atoms and edges to carbon-carbon or hydrogen-carbon bonds in a chemical alkane. In chemistry, an alkane is an ...
Vince and Bóna (2012) define an assembly tree T for a connected simple graph G on n nodes as a binary rooted tree with n leavesTree Leaf and n-1 internal nodes and satisfying ...
A simple graph is a line graph of some simple graph iff if does not contain any of the above nine graphs, known in this work as Beineke graphs, as a forbidden induced ...
The connected domination number of a connected graph G, denoted d(G), is the size of a minimum connected dominating set of a graph G. The maximum leaf number l(G) and ...
The detour polynomial of a graph G is the characteristic polynomial of the detour matrix of G. Precomputed detour polynomials for many named graphs are available in the ...
"Escher's solid" is the solid illustrated on the right pedestal in M. C. Escher's Waterfall woodcut (Bool et al. 1982, p. 323). It is obtained by augmenting a rhombic ...
There are a number of tilings of various shapes by all the 12 order n=6 polyiamonds, summarized in the following table. Several of these (starred in the table below) are also ...
The notion of a Hilbert C^*-module is a generalization of the notion of a Hilbert space. The first use of such objects was made by Kaplansky (1953). The research on Hilbert ...
