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There are several different definition of link. In knot theory, a link is one or more disjointly embedded circles in three-space. More informally, a link is an assembly of ...
An oriented knot is an oriented link of one component, or equivalently, it is a knot which has been given an orientation. Given an oriented knot K, reversing the orientation ...
An oriented link is a link for which each connected component has been given an orientation. As oriented links are equivalent, if there is an orientation preserving ...
Given a point set P={x_n}_(n=0)^(N-1) in the s-dimensional unit cube [0,1)^s, the local discrepancy is defined as D(J,P)=|(number of x_n in J)/N-Vol(J)|, Vol(J) is the ...
In general, a cross is a figure formed by two intersecting line segments. In linear algebra, a cross is defined as a set of n mutually perpendicular pairs of vectors of equal ...
An elliptic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has purely imaginary eigenvalues lambda_+/-=+/-iomega (for omega>0). An ...
A hyperbolic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has eigenvalues lambda_1<0<lambda_2, also called a saddle point. A ...
Given a system of two ordinary differential equations x^. = f(x,y) (1) y^. = g(x,y), (2) let x_0 and y_0 denote fixed points with x^.=y^.=0, so f(x_0,y_0) = 0 (3) g(x_0,y_0) ...
Augmentation is the dual operation of truncation which replaces the faces of a polyhedron with pyramids of height h (where h may be positive, zero, or negative) having the ...
An abstract manifold is a manifold in the context of an abstract space with no particular embedding, or representation in mind. It is a topological space with an atlas of ...
