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There exist a variety of formulas for either producing the nth prime as a function of n or taking on only prime values. However, all such formulas require either extremely ...
An algebraic integer of the form a+bsqrt(D) where D is squarefree forms a quadratic field and is denoted Q(sqrt(D)). If D>0, the field is called a real quadratic field, and ...
Given the closed interval [0,x] with x>1, let one-dimensional "cars" of unit length be parked randomly on the interval. The mean number M(x) of cars which can fit (without ...
An integer is k-smooth if it has no prime factors >k. The following table gives the first few k-smooth numbers for small k. Berndt (1994, p. 52) called the 7-smooth numbers ...
Define the packing density eta of a packing of spheres to be the fraction of a volume filled by the spheres. In three dimensions, there are three periodic packings for ...
Let X be a set of v>=3 elements together with a set B of 3-subset (triples) of X such that every 2-subset of X occurs in exactly one triple of B. Then B is called a Steiner ...
A strong pseudoprime to a base a is an odd composite number n with n-1=d·2^s (for d odd) for which either a^d=1 (mod n) (1) or a^(d·2^r)=-1 (mod n) (2) for some r=0, 1, ..., ...
The word "surface" is an important term in mathematics and is used in many ways. The most common and straightforward use of the word is to denote a two-dimensional ...
Two lattice points (x,y) and (x^',y^') are mutually visible if the line segment joining them contains no further lattice points. This corresponds to the requirement that ...
The pathological function f_a(x)=sum_(k=1)^infty(sin(pik^ax))/(pik^a) (originally defined for a=2) that is continuous but differentiable only on a set of points of measure ...
