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Letting Lk be the linking number of the two components of a ribbon, Tw be the twist, and Wr be the writhe, then Lk(K)=Tw(K)+Wr(K). (Adams 1994, p. 187).
Let g:R->R be a function and let h>0, and define the cardinal series of g with respect to the interval h as the formal series sum_(k=-infty)^inftyg(kh)sinc((x-kh)/h), where ...
Carmichael's conjecture asserts that there are an infinite number of Carmichael numbers. This was proven by Alford et al. (1994).
The Cauchy remainder is a different form of the remainder term than the Lagrange remainder. The Cauchy remainder after n terms of the Taylor series for a function f(x) ...
A Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension). The condition for three general Cevians from the three ...
It is conjectured that any convex body in n-dimensional Euclidean space has an interior point lying on normals through 2n distinct boundary points (Croft et al. 1991). This ...
The science of adversarial information protection.
A principal vertex x_i of a simple polygon P is called an ear if the diagonal [x_(i-1),x_(i+1)] that bridges x_i lies entirely in P. Two ears x_i and x_j are said to overlap ...
An equichordal point is a point p for which all the chords of a curve C passing through p are of the same length. In other words, p is an equichordal point if, for every ...
Is there a planar convex set having two distinct equichordal points? The problem was first proposed by Fujiwara (1916) and Blaschke et al. (1917), but long defied solution. ...
