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For a connection A and a positive spinor phi in Gamma(V_+), Witten's equations (also called the Seiberg-Witten invariants) are given by D_Aphi = 0 (1) F_+^A = ...
Let f be a real-valued, continuous, and strictly increasing function on [0,c] with c>0. If f(0)=0, a in [0,c], and b in [0,f(c)], then int_0^af(x)dx+int_0^bf^(-1)(x)dx>=ab, ...
Let the divisor function d(n) be the number of divisors of n (including n itself). For a prime p, d(p)=2. In general, sum_(k=1)^nd(k)=nlnn+(2gamma-1)n+O(n^theta), where gamma ...
A 2-variable oriented knot polynomial P_L(a,z) motivated by the Jones polynomial (Freyd et al. 1985). Its name is an acronym for the last names of its co-discoverers: Hoste, ...
The Jacobian conjecture in the plane, first stated by Keller (1939), states that given a ring map F of C[x,y] (the polynomial ring in two variables over the complex numbers ...
Let A be the area of a simply closed lattice polygon. Let B denote the number of lattice points on the polygon edges and I the number of points in the interior of the ...
Find two distinct sets of integers {a_1,...,a_n} and {b_1,...,b_n}, such that for k=1, ..., m, sum_(i=1)^na_i^k=sum_(i=1)^nb_i^k. (1) The Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem is ...
Dyson (1962abc) conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent series product_(1<=i!=j<=n)(1-(x_i)/(x_j))^(a_i) (1) is the multinomial coefficient ...
The abc conjecture is a conjecture due to Oesterlé and Masser in 1985. It states that, for any infinitesimal epsilon>0, there exists a constant C_epsilon such that for any ...
For a given m, determine a complete list of fundamental binary quadratic form discriminants -d such that the class number is given by h(-d)=m. Heegner (1952) gave a solution ...
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