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A type of mathematical result which is considered by most logicians as more natural than the metamathematical incompleteness results first discovered by Gödel. Finite ...
Let ad=bc, then (1) This can also be expressed by defining (2) (3) Then F_(2m)(a,b,c,d)=a^(2m)f_(2m)(x,y), (4) and identity (1) can then be written ...
The Randić index of a graph is defined as half the sum of the matrix elements of its Randić matrix. While the index was introduced to model the branching of the carbon-atom ...
The Randić matrix A_(Randic) of a simple graph is a weighted adjacency matrix with weight f(d_i,d_j)=1/(sqrt(d_id_j)), (1) where d_i are the vertex degrees of the graph. In ...
The Randić spectral radius rho_(Randic) of a graph is defined as the largest eigenvalue of its Randić matrix.
For |q|<1, the Rogers-Ramanujan identities are given by (Hardy 1999, pp. 13 and 90), sum_(n=0)^(infty)(q^(n^2))/((q)_n) = 1/(product_(n=1)^(infty)(1-q^(5n-4))(1-q^(5n-1))) ...
Let the minimal length of an addition chain for a number n be denoted l(n). Then the Scholz conjecture, also called the Scholz-Brauer conjecture or Brauer-Scholz conjecture, ...
Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then every even function h(rho) analytic in ...
Consider the sum (1) where the x_js are nonnegative and the denominators are positive. Shapiro (1954) asked if f_n(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)>=1/2n (2) for all n. It turns out ...
For any M, there exists a t^' such that the sequence n^2+t^', where n=1, 2, ... contains at least M primes.
