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A Taylor series is a series expansion of a function about a point. A one-dimensional Taylor series is an expansion of a real function f(x) about a point x=a is given by (1) ...
The game of tic-tac-toe, also spelled ticktacktoe and also known as 3-in-a-row or "naughts and crosses," is a game in which players alternate placing pieces (typically Xs for ...
The Tilley graph is a polyhedral graph that arises in the investigation of Kempe chainsKempe Chain (Tilley 2018). It has 12 vertices, 29 edges, and 19 faces (one of which is ...
The toroidal crossing number cr_(1)(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of crossings with which G can be drawn on a torus. A planar graph has toroidal crossing number 0, ...
The summatory function Phi(n) of the totient function phi(n) is defined by Phi(n) = sum_(k=1)^(n)phi(k) (1) = sum_(m=1)^(n)msum_(d|m)(mu(d))/d (2) = ...
The tribonacci numbers are a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by T_1=1, T_2=1, T_3=2, and the recurrence equation T_n=T_(n-1)+T_(n-2)+T_(n-3) (1) for n>=4 ...
The study of angles and of the angular relationships of planar and three-dimensional figures is known as trigonometry. The trigonometric functions (also called the circular ...
A zerofree number n is called right truncatable if n and all numbers obtained by successively removing the rightmost digits are prime. There are exactly 83 right truncatable ...
The truncated icosahedral graph is the cubic Archimedean graph on 60 nodes and 90 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated icosahedron. It is sometimes known as the ...
Tutte's fragment (Taylor 1997) is the 15-node graph illustrated above (Grünbaum 2003, pp. 358-359 and Fig. 17.1.3). If the graph obtained by adding pendant edges to corners ...
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