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In the directed graph above, pick any vertex and follow the arrows in sequence blue-red-red three times. You will finish at the green vertex. Similarly, follow the sequence ...
The conjecture that the equations for a Robbins algebra, commutativity, associativity, and the Robbins axiom !(!(x v y) v !(x v !y))=x, where !x denotes NOT and x v y denotes ...
The Robbins constant is the mean line segment length, i.e., the expected distance between two points chosen at random in cube line picking, namely Delta(3) = (1) = (2) = ...
A generalization of the binomial coefficient whose notation was suggested by Knuth, |_n; k]=(|_n]!)/(|_k]!|_n-k]!), (1) where |_n] is a Roman factorial. The above expression ...
|_n]!={n! for n>=0; ((-1)^(-n-1))/((-n-1)!) for n<0. (1) The Roman factorial arises in the definition of the harmonic logarithm and Roman coefficient. It obeys the identities ...
For a set of n numbers or values of a discrete distribution x_i, ..., x_n, the root-mean-square (abbreviated "RMS" and sometimes called the quadratic mean), is the square ...
The root separation (or zero separation) of a polynomial P(x) with roots r_1, r_2, ... is defined by Delta(P)=min_(i!=j)|r_i-r_j|. There are lower bounds on how close two ...
Rosser's rule states that every Gram block contains the expected number of roots, which appears to be true for computable Gram blocks. Rosser et al. (1969) expressed a belief ...
A rotor is a convex figure that can be rotated inside a polygon (or polyhedron) while always touching every side (or face). The least area rotor in a square is the Reuleaux ...
Hoffman (1998, p. 90) calls the sum of the exponents in the prime factorization of a number its roundness. The first few values for n=1, 2, ... are 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, ...