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The phrase Tomita-Takesaki theory refers to a specific collection of results proven within the field of functional analysis regarding the theory of modular Hilbert algebras ...
Tutte (1971/72) conjectured that there are no 3-connected nonhamiltonian bicubic graphs. However, a counterexample was found by J. D. Horton in 1976 (Gropp 1990), and several ...
A generalization of the p-adic norm first proposed by Kürschák in 1913. A valuation |·| on a field K is a function from K to the real numbers R such that the following ...
A number v=xy with an even number n of digits formed by multiplying a pair of n/2-digit numbers (where the digits are taken from the original number in any order) x and y ...
The Wallis formula follows from the infinite product representation of the sine sinx=xproduct_(n=1)^infty(1-(x^2)/(pi^2n^2)). (1) Taking x=pi/2 gives ...
Wang's conjecture states that if a set of tiles can tile the plane, then they can always be arranged to do so periodically (Wang 1961). The conjecture was refuted when Berger ...
The simple continued fraction representations of e given by [2; 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, ...] (OEIS A003417). This continued fraction is sometimes known as Euler's continued ...
The modern definition of the q-hypergeometric function is _rphi_s[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_r; beta_1,...,beta_s;q,z] ...
How can a delegation of six regiments, each of which sends a colonel, a lieutenant-colonel, a major, a captain, a lieutenant, and a sub-lieutenant be arranged in a regular ...
The 57-cell, also called the pentacontaheptachoron, is a regular self-dual locally projective polytope with 57 hemidodecahedral facets described by Coxeter (1982) and also ...
