
Tomita-Takesaki Theory

The phrase Tomita-Takesaki theory refers to a specific collection of results proven within the field of functional analysis regarding the theory of modular Hilbert algebras and, in particular, to a key result which details the construction of modular automorphisms on von Neumann algebras. These results were first presented in two unpublished papers by Tomita from 1967 and were brought to the public eye in the expanded exposition by Takesaki in 1970. The general construction is as follows.

Given a von Neumann algebra M on a Hilbert space H which contains a vector Omega which is both cyclic and separating for M, one can define an operator S_0 on H by letting S_0AOmega=A^*Omega for all A in M. Here, A^* denotes the dual of A. A straightforward computation shows that S_0 extends to a closed antilinear operator S defined on a dense subset of H, and by applying a so-called polar decomposition to S, it follows that


for unique operators J (called the modular operator) and Delta (called modular conjugation or modular involution) associated to (M,Omega). In addition, J is self-dual so that J=J^* and Delta^(it) is a unitary operator for each t in R.

In the context of this framework, the main result lying at the foundation of Tomita-Takesaki theory says that for any von Neumann algebra M with a cyclic, separating vector Omega, JOmega=Omega=DeltaOmega, Delta^(it)MDelta^(-it)=M for all t in R, and JMJ=M^' where M^' is the collection of all bounded, linear operators on H which commute with all elements of M. Moreover, defining an operator F_0 on elements A^' in M^' by F_0A^'Omega=(A^')^*Omega and taking the closure F of F_0, one also has that Delta=FS, Delta^(-1)=SF, and F=JDelta^(-1/2).

What today exists as the modular theory of Tomita-Takesaki begins with the above result, as well as a number of important notions stemming from Tomita's original presentation thereof. From this result, one can consider the one-parameter collection of automorphisms {sigma_t} of M induced by the unitaries Delta^(it), t in R, by defining


for all t in R and all A in M. This collection forms a group called the modular automorphism group on M relative to Omega, and this group plays a significant role in a variety of fields including functional analysis and mathematical physics.

One example of the interplay between this modular automorphism group and modern physics comes from the fact that every von Neumann algebra M has a naturally induced state omega which satisfies a number of desired properties with respect to the above-defined modular automorphism group, not the least significant of which is the so-called Kubo-Martin-Schwinger boundary condition. As a result, the modular automorphism group inherits a number of significant properties from the area of quantum statistical mechanics and other related areas.

See also

Hilbert Algebra, Hilbert Space, Inner Product Space, KMS Condition, Left Hilbert Algebra, Linear Manifold, Modular Hilbert Algebra, Quasi-Hilbert Algebra, Right Hilbert Algebra, Ring, Subspace, Unimodular Hilbert Algebra, Vector Space, von Neumann Algebra

This entry contributed by Christopher Stover

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Gallavotti, G. and Pulvirenti, M. "Classical KMS Condition and Tomita-Takesaki Theory." Commun. Math. Phys. 46, 1-9, 1976.Nelson, B. "Tomita-Takesaki Theory.", S. J. "Tomita-Takesaki Modular Theory." 2005., M. Tomita's Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras and its Applications. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1970.

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Stover, Christopher. "Tomita-Takesaki Theory." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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