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A palindromic number is a number (in some base b) that is the same when written forwards or backwards, i.e., of the form a_1a_2...a_2a_1. The first few palindromic numbers ...
The Pappus configuration is the 9_3 configuration illustrated above that appears in Pappus's hexagon theorem. It is one of the three 9_3 configurations. The Levi graph of the ...
AW, AB, and AY in the above figure are in a harmonic range.
A metric defined by d(z,w)=sup{|ln[(u(z))/(u(w))]|:u in H^+}, where H^+ denotes the positive harmonic functions on a domain. The part metric is invariant under conformal maps ...
A change in a knot projection such that a pair of oppositely oriented strands are passed through another pair of oppositely oriented strands.
The Penrose tiles are a pair of shapes that tile the plane only aperiodically (when the markings are constrained to match at borders). These two tiles, illustrated above, are ...
The portion of a surface left when an open disk is removed from it.
Li and Yorke (1975) proved that any one-dimensional system which exhibits a regular cycle of period three will also display regular cycles of every other length as well as ...
The knot move obtained by fixing disk 1 in the figure above and flipping disks 2 and 3.
If mu=(mu_1,mu_2,...,mu_n) is an arbitrary set of positive numbers, then all eigenvalues lambda of the n×n matrix a=a_(ij) lie on the disk |z|<=m_mu, where ...
