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461 - 470 of 1384 for area of the parabolaSearch Results
Given a curve C and O=(x_0,y_0) a fixed point called the pedal point, then for a point P on C, draw a line perpendicular to OP. The envelope of these lines as P describes the ...
Given a general quadratic curve Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0, (1) the quantity X is known as the discriminant, where X=B^2-4AC, (2) and is invariant under rotation. Using the ...
An ellipse is a curve that is the locus of all points in the plane the sum of whose distances r_1 and r_2 from two fixed points F_1 and F_2 (the foci) separated by a distance ...
The circle passing through the isodynamic points S and S^' and the triangle centroid G of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 (Kimberling 1998, pp. 227-228). The Parry circle has ...
For a rectangular hyperbola x = asect (1) y = atant (2) with inversion center at the origin, the inverse curve is x_i = (2kcost)/(a[3-cos(2t)]) (3) y_i = ...
A skew conic, also known as a gauche conic, space conic, twisted conic, or cubical conic section, is a third-order space curve having up to three points in common with a ...
A roulette is a curve traced by a fixed point on a closed convex curve as that curve rolls without slipping along a second curve. The roulettes described by the foci of ...
A circumconic is a conic section that passes through the vertices of a triangle (Kimberling 1998, p. 235). Every circumconic has a trilinear equation of the form ...
A sieving procedure that can be used in conjunction with Dixon's factorization method to factor large numbers n. Pick values of r given by r=|_sqrt(n)_|+k, (1) where k=1, 2, ...
Confocal parabolas are parabolas sharing a common focus.
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