
Search Results for "area of the parabola"

291 - 300 of 1384 for area of the parabolaSearch Results
The difference between the sum of the angles A, B, and C of a spherical triangle and pi radians (180 degrees), E=A+B+C-pi. The notation Delta is sometimes used for spherical ...
Pick three points P=(x_1,y_1), Q=(x_2,y_2), and R=(x_3,y_3) distributed independently and uniformly in a unit disk K (i.e., in the interior of the unit circle). Then the ...
What space-filling arrangement of similar cells of equal volume has minimal surface area? This questions arises naturally in the theory of foams when the liquid content is ...
Specifying two angles A and B and a side a opposite A uniquely determines a triangle with area K = (a^2sinBsinC)/(2sinA) (1) = (a^2sinBsin(pi-A-B))/(2sinA). (2) The third ...
Two cones placed base-to-base. The bicone with base radius r and half-height h has surface area and volume S = 2pirsqrt(r^2+h^2) (1) V = 2/3pir^2h. (2) The centroid is at the ...
The quartic with implicit equation x^4=x^2y-y^3. (1) The bow has vertical tangents at (+/-2/9sqrt(3),2/9) and horizontal tangents at (+/-1/4sqrt(2),1/4). Its curvature is ...
An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides of equal length a, corresponding to what could also be known as a "regular" triangle. An equilateral triangle is ...
The first Neuberg circle is the circumcircle of the first Neuberg triangle. The center has center function (1) which is not a Kimberling center. Its radius is ...
One of the eight convex deltahedra built up from 16 equilateral triangles. It consists of two oppositely faced square pyramids rotated 45 degrees to each other and separated ...
A 16-sided polygon, sometimes also called a hexakaidecagon. The regular hexadecagon is a constructible polygon, and the inradius r, circumradius R, and area A of the regular ...
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