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Let S be a nonempty set of real numbers that has an upper bound. Then a number c is called the least upper bound (or the supremum, denoted supS) for S iff it satisfies the ...
The Lebesgue integral is defined in terms of upper and lower bounds using the Lebesgue measure of a set. It uses a Lebesgue sum S_n=sum_(i)eta_imu(E_i) where eta_i is the ...
The Lemoine ellipse is an inconic (that is always an ellipse) that has inconic parameters x:y:z=(2(b^2+c^2)-a^2)/(bc):(2(a^2+c^2)-b^2)/(ac): (2(a^2+b^2)-c^2)/(ab). (1) The ...
Let L denote the partition lattice of the set {1,2,...,n}. The maximum element of L is M={{1,2,...,n}} (1) and the minimum element is m={{1},{2},...,{n}}. (2) Let Z_n denote ...
A level set in two dimensions. Phase curves are sometimes also known as level curves (Tabor 1989, p. 14).
A fractal curve, also called the C-curve (Gosper 1972). The base curve and motif are illustrated below. Duvall and Keesling (1999) proved that the Hausdorff dimension of the ...
The lower central series of a Lie algebra g is the sequence of subalgebras recursively defined by g_(k+1)=[g,g_k], (1) with g_0=g. The sequence of subspaces is always ...
The n functions f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., f_n(x) are linearly dependent if, for some c_1, c_2, ..., c_n in R not all zero, sum_(i=1)^nc_if_i(x)=0 (1) for all x in some interval I. ...
A linklessly embeddable graph is a graph having the property that there exists an embedding in three dimensions that does not contain a nontrivial link. A graph is linklessly ...
The term "lobster" is used to refer either to a particular polyiamond or to a class of tree called a lobster graph. When referring to polyiamonds, the lobster is the ...
