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One of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. Let X be a single point space. H_n(X)=0 unless n=0, in which case H_0(X)=G where G are some groups. The H_0 are called the coefficients ...
The Dirichlet kernel D_n^M is obtained by integrating the number theoretic character e^(i<xi,x>) over the ball |xi|<=M, D_n^M=-1/(2pir)d/(dr)D_(n-2)^M.
int_0^pi(sin[(n+1/2)x])/(2sin(1/2x))dx=1/2pi, where the integral kernel is the Dirichlet kernel.
Discrepancy is a measure of the deviation of a point set from a uniform distribution. In general, the computation of the discrepancy of a point set is computationally ...
A topology is given by a collection of subsets of a topological space X. The smallest topology has two open sets, the empty set emptyset and X. The largest topology contains ...
The distribution parameter of a noncylindrical ruled surface parameterized by x(u,v)=sigma(u)+vdelta(u), (1) where sigma is the striction curve and delta the director curve, ...
A number of attractive 10-compounds of the regular dodecahedron can be constructed. The compound illustrated above will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram ...
A drafter triangle is a name sometimes used to refer to a 30-60-90 triangle. For this reason, a polyform consisting of multiple 30-60-90 triangles is known as a polydrafter.
On the Clebsch diagonal cubic, all 27 of the complex lines present on a general smooth cubic surface are real. In addition, there are 10 points on the surface where three of ...
A nonreflexible regular map of genus 7 with eight graph vertices, 28 graph edges, and eight heptagonal faces.
