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A binary tree is a tree-like structure that is rooted and in which each vertex has at most two children and each child of a vertex is designated as its left or right child ...
The café wall illusion, sometimes also called the Münsterberg illusion (Ashton Raggatt McDougall 2006), is an optical illusion produced by a black and white rectangular ...
A camel graph is a graph formed by all possible moves of a hypothetical chess piece called a "camel" which moves analogously to a knight except that it is restricted to moves ...
An official chessboard is an 8×8 board containing squares alternating in color between olive green and buff (where "buff" is a color variously defined as a moderate orange ...
The hypothesis that an integer n is prime iff it satisfies the condition that 2^n-2 is divisible by n. Dickson (2005, p. 91) stated that Leibniz believe to have proved that ...
Let P(G) denote the chromatic polynomial of a finite simple graph G. Then G is said to be chromatically unique if P(G)=P(H) implies that G and H are isomorphic graphs, in ...
A portion of a disk whose upper boundary is a (circular) arc and whose lower boundary is a chord making a central angle theta<pi radians (180 degrees), illustrated above as ...
The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is a radius of the circle inside which the polygon can be inscribed. Similarly, the circumradius of a polyhedron is the radius of a ...
The American Mathematical Society awards two prizes named in honor of Prof. Frank Nelson Cole, a senior member of the AMS who made a bequest to the society in 1928 upon his ...
In general, the word "complement" refers to that subset F^' of some set S which excludes a given subset F. Taking F and its complement F^' together then gives the whole of ...
