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A partition p is said to contain another partition q if the Ferrers diagram of p contains the Ferrers diagram of q. For example, {3,3,2} (left figure) contains both {3,3,1} ...
A subset tau in S_n of a permutation {1,...,n} is said to contain alpha in S_k if there exist 1<=i_1<...<i_k<=n such that tau=(tau_i,...,tau_k) is order isomorphic to ...
There are several meanings of the word content in mathematics. The content of a polytope or other n-dimensional object is its generalized volume (i.e., its "hypervolume"). ...
A hypergeometric function in which one parameter changes by +1 or -1 is said to be contiguous. There are 26 functions contiguous to _2F_1(a,b;c;x) taking one pair at a time. ...
The "contiguous USA graph" is the graph whose vertices represent the contiguous 48 states of the United States plus the District of Columbia (DC) and whose edges connect ...
A sentence is called a contingency if its truth table contains at least one 'T' and at least one 'F.'
A contingency table, sometimes called a two-way frequency table, is a tabular mechanism with at least two rows and two columns used in statistics to present categorical data ...
Given a subset S subset R^n and a point x in S, the contingent cone K_S(x) at x with respect to S is defined to be the set K_S(x)={h:d_S^-(x;h)=0} where d_S^- is the upper ...
The term "continued fraction" is used to refer to a class of expressions of which generalized continued fraction of the form b_0+(a_1)/(b_1+(a_2)/(b_2+(a_3)/(b_3+...))) ...
A number of closed-form constants can be obtained for generalized continued fractions having particularly simple partial numerators and denominators. The Ramanujan continued ...
