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A (0,1)-matrix is an integer matrix in which each element is a 0 or 1. It is also called a logical matrix, binary matrix, relation matrix, or Boolean matrix. The number of ...
A Hamiltonian graph, also called a Hamilton graph, is a graph possessing a Hamiltonian cycle. A graph that is not Hamiltonian is said to be nonhamiltonian. A Hamiltonian ...
A figurate number of the form P_n^((4))=1/6n(n+1)(2n+1), (1) corresponding to a configuration of points which form a square pyramid, is called a square pyramidal number (or ...
There are many unsolved problems in mathematics. Some prominent outstanding unsolved problems (as well as some which are not necessarily so well known) include 1. The ...
A Hadamard matrix is a type of square (-1,1)-matrix invented by Sylvester (1867) under the name of anallagmatic pavement, 26 years before Hadamard (1893) considered them. In ...
The tower of Hanoi (commonly also known as the "towers of Hanoi"), is a puzzle invented by E. Lucas in 1883. It is also known as the Tower of Brahma puzzle and appeared as an ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...
Consider a Boolean algebra of subsets b(A) generated by a set A, which is the set of subsets of A that can be obtained by means of a finite number of the set operations ...
It is always possible to "fairly" divide a cake among n people using only vertical cuts. Furthermore, it is possible to cut and divide a cake such that each person believes ...
The Church-Turing thesis (formerly commonly known simply as Church's thesis) says that any real-world computation can be translated into an equivalent computation involving a ...
