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A topological space fulfilling the T3-separation axiom: X fulfils the T1-separation axiom and is regular. According to the terminology of Alexandroff and Hopf (1972), ...
The Banach space L^1([0,1]) with the product (fg)(x)=int_0^xf(x-y)g(y)dy is a non-unital commutative Banach algebra. This algebra is called the Volterra algebra.
If f is a function on an open set U, then the zero set of f is the set Z={z in U:f(z)=0}. A subset of a topological space X is called a zero set if it is equal to f^(-1)(0) ...
Multivariable Calculus
Baire's category theorem, also known as Baire's theorem and the category theorem, is a result in analysis and set theory which roughly states that in certain spaces, the ...
An evolute is the locus of centers of curvature (the envelope) of a plane curve's normals. The original curve is then said to be the involute of its evolute. Given a plane ...
A p-variate multivariate normal distribution (also called a multinormal distribution) is a generalization of the bivariate normal distribution. The p-multivariate ...
A formula which transforms a given coordinate system by rotating it through a counterclockwise angle Phi about an axis n^^. Referring to the above figure (Goldstein 1980), ...
When discussing a rotation, there are two possible conventions: rotation of the axes, and rotation of the object relative to fixed axes. In R^2, consider the matrix that ...
Smale (1958) proved that it is mathematically possible to turn a sphere inside-out without introducing a sharp crease at any point. This means there is a regular homotopy ...
