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621 - 630 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results
Any real function u(x,y) with continuous second partial derivatives which satisfies Laplace's equation, del ^2u(x,y)=0, (1) is called a harmonic function. Harmonic functions ...
The base manifold in a bundle is analogous to the domain for a set of functions. In fact, a bundle, by definition, comes with a map to the base manifold, often called pi or ...
The Frobenius norm, sometimes also called the Euclidean norm (a term unfortunately also used for the vector L^2-norm), is matrix norm of an m×n matrix A defined as the square ...
Doob (1996) defines a stochastic process as a family of random variables {x(t,-),t in J} from some probability space (S,S,P) into a state space (S^',S^'). Here, J is the ...
The dot product can be defined for two vectors X and Y by X·Y=|X||Y|costheta, (1) where theta is the angle between the vectors and |X| is the norm. It follows immediately ...
The generalized law of sines applies to a simplex in space of any dimension with constant Gaussian curvature. Let us work up to that. Initially in two-dimensional space, we ...
In Minkowski space, a twistor may be defined as a pair consisting of a spinor field and a complex conjugate spinor field satisfying the twistor equation.
A special nonsingular map from one manifold to another such that at every point in the domain of the map, the derivative is an injective linear transformation. This is ...
Any nondegenerate closed space curve may be nondegenerately deformed into either of the two curves illustrated above. Neither of these can be nondegenerately transformed into ...
Flat polygons embedded in three-space can be transformed into a congruent planar polygon as follows. First, translate the starting vertex to (0, 0, 0) by subtracting it from ...
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