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271 - 280 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results

A regular local ring is a local ring R with maximal ideal m so that m can be generated with exactly d elements where d is the Krull dimension of the ring R. Equivalently, R ...
If pi on V and pi^' on V^' are irreducible representations and E:V|->V^' is a linear map such that pi^'(g)E=Epi(g) for all g in and group G, then E=0 or E is invertible. ...
A real vector bundle pi:E->M has an orientation if there exists a covering by trivializations U_i×R^k such that the transition functions are vector space ...
Let f:K^((0))->L^((0)) be a bijective correspondence such that the vertices v_0, ..., v_n of K span a simplex of K iff f(v_0), ..., f(v_n) span a simplex of L. Then the ...
Given a vector space V, its projectivization P(V), sometimes written P(V-0), is the set of equivalence classes x∼lambdax for any lambda!=0 in V-0. For example, complex ...
There are a couple of versions of this theorem. Basically, it says that any bounded linear functional T on the space of compactly supported continuous functions on X is the ...
A bilinear form on a real vector space is a function b:V×V->R that satisfies the following axioms for any scalar alpha and any choice of vectors v,w,v_1,v_2,w_1, and w_2. 1. ...
A four-vector a_mu is said to be lightlike if its four-vector norm satisfies a_mua^mu=0. One should note that the four-vector norm is nothing more than a special case of the ...
A measure which takes values in the complex numbers. The set of complex measures on a measure space X forms a vector space. Note that this is not the case for the more common ...
If a subgroup H of G has a group representation phi:H×W->W, then there is a unique induced representation of G on a vector space V. The original space W is contained in V, ...
