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1221 - 1230 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results
A Kähler structure on a complex manifold M combines a Riemannian metric on the underlying real manifold with the complex structure. Such a structure brings together geometry ...
A Lorentz transformation is a four-dimensional transformation x^('mu)=Lambda^mu_nux^nu, (1) satisfied by all four-vectors x^nu, where Lambda^mu_nu is a so-called Lorentz ...
Spherical coordinates, also called spherical polar coordinates (Walton 1967, Arfken 1985), are a system of curvilinear coordinates that are natural for describing positions ...
Regge calculus is a finite element method utilized in numerical relativity in attempts of describing spacetimes with few or no symmetries by way of producing numerical ...
An Abelian category is a category for which the constructions and techniques of homological algebra are available. The basic examples of such categories are the category of ...
For every dimension n>0, the orthogonal group O(n) is the group of n×n orthogonal matrices. These matrices form a group because they are closed under multiplication and ...
The minimal polynomial of an algebraic number zeta is the unique irreducible monic polynomial of smallest degree p(x) with rational coefficients such that p(zeta)=0 and whose ...
A covariant tensor, denoted with a lowered index (e.g., a_mu) is a tensor having specific transformation properties. In general, these transformation properties differ from ...
The Darboux integral, also called a Darboux-Stieltjes integral, is a variant of the Stieltjes integral that is defined as a common value for the lower and upper Darboux ...
A nonassociative algebra obeyed by objects such as the Lie bracket and Poisson bracket. Elements f, g, and h of a Lie algebra satisfy [f,f]=0 (1) [f+g,h]=[f,h]+[g,h], (2) and ...
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