Search Results for "Vector Space Span"
1021 - 1030 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results

Müntz's theorem is a generalization of the Weierstrass approximation theorem, which states that any continuous function on a closed and bounded interval can be uniformly ...
A multidimensional point process is a measurable function from a probability space (Omega,A,P) into (X,Sigma) where X is the set of all finite or countable subsets of R^d not ...
Let A be a normed (Banach) algebra. An algebraic left A-module X is said to be a normed (Banach) left A-module if X is a normed (Banach) space and the outer multiplication is ...
The set of octonions, also sometimes called Cayley numbers and denoted O, consists of the elements in a Cayley algebra. A typical octonion is of the form ...
Given n metric spaces X_1,X_2,...,X_n, with metrics g_1,g_2,...,g_n respectively, the product metric g_1×g_2×...×g_n is a metric on the Cartesian product X_1×X_2×...×X_n ...
Qubic is a generalization of tic-tac-toe in which players alternately place pieces to get four in a row (rows, columns, pillars, face diagonals, or space diagonals) on a ...
The quotient space K^__1A=K_1A/{0,[-1]} of the Whitehead group K_1A is known as the reduced Whitehead group. Here, the element [-1] in K_1A denotes the order-2 element ...
A function f in C^infty(R^n) is called a Schwartz function if it goes to zero as |x|->infty faster than any inverse power of x, as do all its derivatives. That is, a function ...
Measurements of a centered convex body in Euclidean n-space (for n>=3) show that its brightness function (the volume of each projection) is smaller than that of another such ...
Given a Hilbert space H, the sigma-strong operator topology is the topology on the algebra L(H) of bounded operators from H to itself defined as follows: A sequence S_i of ...