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871 - 880 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
In the field of percolation theory, the term percolation threshold is used to denote the probability which "marks the arrival" (Grimmett 1999) of an infinite connected ...
The plastic constant P, sometimes also called le nombre radiant, the minimal Pisot number, plastic number, plastic ratio, platin number, Siegel's number, or silver number, is ...
A factor of a polynomial P(x) of degree n is a polynomial Q(x) of degree less than n which can be multiplied by another polynomial R(x) of degree less than n to yield P(x), ...
Hardy and Littlewood (1914) proved that the sequence {frac(x^n)}, where frac(x) is the fractional part, is equidistributed for almost all real numbers x>1 (i.e., the ...
The set R union {infty}, obtained by adjoining one improper element to the set R of real numbers, is the set of projectively extended real numbers. Although notation is not ...
If there is no integer 0<x<p such that x^2=q (mod p), i.e., if the congruence (35) has no solution, then q is said to be a quadratic nonresidue (mod p). If the congruence ...
The Schläfli double sixes graph is the Levi graph of the double sixes configuration.
A set of 15 open problems on Schrödinger operators proposed by mathematical physicist Barry Simon (2000). This set of problems follows up a 1984 list of open problems in ...
In general, a triakis octahedron is a non-regular icositetrahedron that can be constructed as a positive augmentation of regular octahedron. Such a solid is also known as a ...
Consider the consecutive number sequences formed by the concatenation of the first n positive integers: 1, 12, 123, 1234, ... (OEIS A007908; Smarandache 1993, Dumitrescu and ...
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