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481 - 490 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
In complex analysis, a branch (also called a sheet) is a portion of the range of a multivalued function over which the function is single-valued. Combining all the sheets ...
A hypothetic building design problem in optimization with constraints proposed by Bhatti (2000, pp. 3-5). To save energy costs for heating and cooling, an architect wishes to ...
The term "bundle" is an abbreviated form of the full term fiber bundle. Depending on context, it may mean one of the special cases of fiber bundles, such as a vector bundle ...
In the theory of transfinite ordinal numbers, 1. Every well ordered set has a unique ordinal number, 2. Every segment of ordinals (i.e., any set of ordinals arranged in ...
A function with k continuous derivatives is called a C^k function. In order to specify a C^k function on a domain X, the notation C^k(X) is used. The most common C^k space is ...
A calibration form on a Riemannian manifold M is a differential p-form phi such that 1. phi is a closed form. 2. The comass of phi, sup_(v in ^ ^pTM, |v|=1)|phi(v)| (1) ...
A fractal-like structure is produced for x<0 by superposing plots of Carotid-Kundalini functions ck_n of different orders n. the region -1<x<0 is called fractal land by ...
The circle method is a method employed by Hardy, Ramanujan, and Littlewood to solve many asymptotic problems in additive number theory, particularly in deriving an asymptotic ...
The number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities. Also known as the binomial coefficient or choice number and read "n choose k," _nC_k=(n; ...
The commutator subgroup (also called a derived group) of a group G is the subgroup generated by the commutators of its elements, and is commonly denoted G^' or [G,G]. It is ...
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