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A band over a fixed topological space X is represented by a cover X= union U_alpha, U_alpha subset= X, and for each alpha, a sheaf of groups K_alpha on U_alpha along with ...
If C_1, C_2, ...C_r are sets of positive integers and union _(i=1)^rC_i=Z^+, then some C_i contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. The conjecture was proved by van ...
A Borel set is an element of a Borel sigma-algebra. Roughly speaking, Borel sets are the sets that can be constructed from open or closed sets by repeatedly taking countable ...
Let A and B be any sets with empty intersection, and let |X| denote the cardinal number of a set X. Then |A|+|B|=|A union B| (Ciesielski 1997, p. 68; Dauben 1990, p. 173; ...
The complex plane is the plane of complex numbers spanned by the vectors 1 and i, where i is the imaginary number. Every complex number corresponds to a unique point in the ...
A product of ANDs, denoted ^ _(k=1)^nA_k. The conjunctions of a Boolean algebra A of subsets of cardinality p are the 2^p functions A_lambda= union _(i in lambda)A_i, where ...
The connected sum M_1#M_2 of n-manifolds M_1 and M_2 is formed by deleting the interiors of n-balls B_i^n in M_i^n and attaching the resulting punctured manifolds M_i-B^._i ...
Let a graph G=(V,E) be defined on vertex set V and edge set E. Then a construction sequence (or c-sequence) for G is a linear order on V union E in which each edge appears ...
A set A in a first-countable space is dense in B if B=A union L, where L is the set of limit points of A. For example, the rational numbers are dense in the reals. In ...
The discrete uniform distribution is also known as the "equally likely outcomes" distribution. Letting a set S have N elements, each of them having the same probability, then ...
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