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251 - 260 of 2142 for Trigonometry Angles Pi 17Search Results
Two nonisomorphic graphs are said to be chromatically equivalent (also termed "chromically equivalent by Bari 1974) if they have identical chromatic polynomials. A graph that ...
Consider a unit circle and a radiant point located at (mu,0). There are four different regimes of caustics, illustrated above. For radiant point at mu=infty, the catacaustic ...
A number is said to be cubefree if its prime factorization contains no tripled factors. All primes are therefore trivially cubefree. The cubefree numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
Numbers which are not perfect and for which s(N)=sigma(N)-N<N, or equivalently sigma(n)<2n, where sigma(N) is the divisor function. Deficient numbers are sometimes called ...
A deletable prime is a prime number which has the property that deleting digits one at a time in some order gives a prime at each step. For example, 410256793 is a deletable ...
The Feit-Thompson conjecture asserts that there are no primes p and q for which (p^q-1)/(p-1) and (q^p-1)/(q-1) have a common factor. Parker noticed that if this were true, ...
An integer d is a fundamental discriminant if it is not equal to 1, not divisible by any square of any odd prime, and satisfies d=1 (mod 4) or d=8,12 (mod 16). The function ...
A generalization of the equation whose solution is desired in Fermat's last theorem x^n+y^n=z^n to x^n+y^n=cz^n for x, y, z, and c positive constants, with trivial solutions ...
Sequences of integers generated in the Collatz problem. For example, for a starting number of 7, the sequence is 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, ...
A tiling consisting of a rhombus such that 17 rhombuses fit around a point and a second tile in the shape of six rhombuses stuck together. These two tiles can fill the plane ...
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