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1091 - 1100 of 2142 for Trigonometry Angles Pi 17Search Results
A quadrilateral in which a pair of opposite sides have the same length and are inclined at 60 degrees to each other (or equivalently, satisfy <A>+<B>=120 degrees). Some ...
The extangents circle is the circumcircle of the extangents triangle. Its center function is a complicated 9th-order polynomial and its circle function is a complicated ...
The study of how the intrinsic structure of graphs ensures certain types of properties (e.g., clique-formation and graph colorings) under appropriate conditions.
The fibonorial n!_F, also called the Fibonacci factorial, is defined as n!_F=product_(k=1)^nF_k, where F_k is a Fibonacci number. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few fibonorials ...
The first Zagreb index for a graph with vertex count n and vertex degrees d_i for i=1, ..., n is defined by Z_1=sum_(i=1)^nd_i^2. The notations Z_1 (e.g., Lin et al. 2023) ...
A forgetful functor (also called underlying functor) is defined from a category of algebraic gadgets (groups, Abelian groups, modules, rings, vector spaces, etc.) to the ...
Let p and q be partitions of a positive integer, then there exists a (0,1)-matrix A such that c(A)=p, r(A)=q iff q is dominated by p^*.
If X is a locally compact T2-space, then the set C_ degrees(X) of all continuous complex valued functions on X vanishing at infinity (i.e., for each epsilon>0, the set {x in ...
An edge subdivision is the insertion of a new vertex v_j in the middle of an exiting edge e=v_iv_k accompanied by the joining of the original edge endpoints with the new ...
Suppose that G is a pseudograph, E is the edge set of G, and C is the family of edge sets of graph cycles of G. Then C obeys the axioms for the circuits of a matroid, and ...
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