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11 - 20 of 458 for Trigonometry AnglesSearch Results
cos(pi/(24)) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2+sqrt(3))) (1) cos((5pi)/(24)) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2-sqrt(3))) (2) cos((7pi)/(24)) = 1/2sqrt(2-sqrt(2-sqrt(3))) (3) cos((11pi)/(24)) = ...
cos(pi/(30)) = 1/4sqrt(7+sqrt(5)+sqrt(6(5+sqrt(5)))) (1) cos((7pi)/(30)) = 1/4sqrt(7-sqrt(5)+sqrt(6(5-sqrt(5)))) (2) cos((11pi)/(30)) = 1/4sqrt(7+sqrt(5)-sqrt(6(5+sqrt(5)))) ...
cos(pi/(32)) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2+sqrt(2+sqrt(2)))) (1) cos((3pi)/(32)) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2+sqrt(2-sqrt(2)))) (2) cos((5pi)/(32)) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2-sqrt(2-sqrt(2)))) (3) ...
cos(pi/8) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2)) (1) cos((3pi)/8) = 1/2sqrt(2-sqrt(2)) (2) cot(pi/8) = 1+sqrt(2) (3) cot((3pi)/8) = sqrt(2)-1 (4) csc(pi/8) = sqrt(4+2sqrt(2)) (5) csc((3pi)/8) ...
By the definition of the functions of trigonometry, the sine of pi is equal to the y-coordinate of the point with polar coordinates (r,theta)=(1,pi), giving sinpi=0. ...
By the definition of the functions of trigonometry, the sine of pi/2 is equal to the y-coordinate of the point with polar coordinates (r,theta)=(1,pi/2), giving sin(pi/2)=1. ...
By the definition of the trigonometric functions, cos0 = 1 (1) cot0 = infty (2) csc0 = infty (3) sec0 = 1 (4) sin0 = 0 (5) tan0 = 0. (6)
Trigonometric functions of pi/p for p prime have an especially complicated Galois-minimal representation. In particular, the case cos(pi/23) requires approximately 500 MB of ...
The study of angles and of the angular relationships of planar and three-dimensional figures is known as trigonometry. The trigonometric functions (also called the circular ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/11 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 11 is not a ...
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