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The Hochberg-O'Donnell fish graph is the unit-distance graph on 23 nodes and 42 edges illustrated above. It is triangle-free and is the smallest example of a unit-distance ...
The prime HP(n) reached starting from a number n, concatenating its prime factors, and repeating until a prime is reached. For example, for n=9, 9=3·3->33=3·11->311, so 311 ...
The meeting point of lines that connect corresponding points from homothetic figures. In the above figure, O is the homothetic center of the homothetic figures ABCDE and ...
The regular tessellation {6,3} consisting of regular hexagons (i.e., a hexagonal grid). In general, the term honeycomb is used to refer to a tessellation in n dimensions for ...
Any partition of the plane into regions of equal area has perimeter at least that of the regular hexagonal grid (i.e., the honeycomb, illustrated above). Pappus refers to the ...
The 34 distinct convergent hypergeometric series of order two enumerated by Horn (1931) and corrected by Borngässer (1933). There are 14 complete series for which ...
One of the three standard tori given by the parametric equations x = a(1+cosv)cosu (1) y = a(1+cosv)sinu (2) z = asinv, (3) corresponding to the torus with a=c. It has ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Horton, illustrated above. The first is a graph on 96 nodes providing a counterexample to the Tutte conjecture that every ...
The Hungarian algorithm finds a maximum independent edge set on a graph. The algorithm starts with any matching M and constructs a tree via a breadth-first search to find an ...
There are a number of formulas variously known as Hurwitz's formula. The first is zeta(1-s,a)=(Gamma(s))/((2pi)^s)[e^(-piis/2)F(a,s)+e^(piis/2)F(-a,s)], where zeta(z,a) is a ...
