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The crystallographic point groups are the point groups in which translational periodicity is required (the so-called crystallography restriction). There are 32 such groups, ...
If a discrete group of displacements in the plane has more than one center of rotation, then the only rotations that can occur are by 2, 3, 4, and 6. This can be shown as ...
The cuban primes, named after differences between successive cubic numbers, have the form n^3-(n-1)^3. The first few are 7, 19, 37, 61, 127, 271, ... (OEIS A002407), which ...
The cube-octahedron compound is a polyhedron compound composed of a cube and its dual polyhedron, the octahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A number of attractive cube 10-compounds can be constructed. The first can be obtained by beginning with an initial cube and rotating it by an angle theta=sin^(-1)(sqrt(3/8)) ...
There are a number of attractive polyhedron compounds involving four cubes, several of which are illustrated above. The first (left figures), also known as Bakos' compound, ...
A number of attractive cube 6-compounds can be constructed. A first (left figures) is obtained by combining six cubes, each rotated by 1/6 of a turn about the line joining ...
Instead of picking two points from the interior of the cube, instead pick two points on different faces of the unit cube. In this case, the average distance between the ...
Given a number z, the cube root of z, denoted RadicalBox[z, 3] or z^(1/3) (z to the 1/3 power), is a number a such that a^3=z. The cube root is therefore an nth root with ...
A cubic nonplanar graph is a graph that is both cubic and nonplanar. The following table summarizes some named nonplanar cubic graphs. graph G |V(G)| utility graph 6 Petersen ...
