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The quasiperiodic function defined by d/(dz)lnsigma(z;g_2,g_3)=zeta(z;g_2,g_3), (1) where zeta(z;g_2,g_3) is the Weierstrass zeta function and lim_(z->0)(sigma(z))/z=1. (2) ...
A function whose range is in the real numbers is said to be a real function, also called a real-valued function.
A function which is not an algebraic function. In other words, a function which "transcends," i.e., cannot be expressed in terms of, algebra. Examples of transcendental ...
A complex function is said to be analytic on a region R if it is complex differentiable at every point in R. The terms holomorphic function, differentiable function, and ...
An entire function which is a generalization of the Bessel function of the first kind defined by J_nu(z)=1/piint_0^picos(nutheta-zsintheta)dtheta. Anger's original function ...
The function Pi_(a,b)(x)=H(x-a)-H(x-b) which is equal to 1 for a<=x<=b and 0 otherwise. Here H(x) is the Heaviside step function. The special case Pi_(-1/2,1/2)(x) gives the ...
Another name for the confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind, defined by where Gamma(x) is the gamma function and _1F_1(a;b;z) is the confluent hypergeometric ...
A square integrable function phi(t) is said to be normal if int[phi(t)]^2dt=1. However, the normal distribution function is also sometimes called "the normal function."
A function f(x) is said to be nondecreasing on an interval I if f(b)>=f(a) for all b>a, where a,b in I. Conversely, a function f(x) is said to be nonincreasing on an interval ...
A function f(x) is said to be nonincreasing on an interval I if f(b)<=f(a) for all b>a, where a,b in I. Conversely, a function f(x) is said to be nondecreasing on an interval ...
