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9251 - 9260 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
A bar (also called an overbar) is a horizontal line written above a mathematical symbol to give it some special meaning. If the bar is placed over a single symbol, as in x^_ ...
A bar graph is any plot of a set of data such that the number of data elements falling within one or more categories is indicated using a rectangle whose height or width is a ...
A column-convex self-avoiding polygon which contains the bottom edge of its minimal bounding rectangle. The anisotropic perimeter and area generating function ...
The attractor of the iterated function system given by the set of "fern functions" f_1(x,y) = [0.85 0.04; -0.04 0.85][x; y]+[0.00; 1.60] (1) f_2(x,y) = [-0.15 0.28; 0.26 ...
A Julia set fractal obtained by iterating the function z_(n+1)=c(z_n-sgn(R[z_n])), where sgn(x) is the sign function and R[z] is the real part of z. The plot above sets ...
The Barth decic is a decic surface in complex three-dimensional projective space having the maximum possible number of ordinary double points, namely 345. It is given by the ...
The base manifold in a bundle is analogous to the domain for a set of functions. In fact, a bundle, by definition, comes with a map to the base manifold, often called pi or ...
The numbers three and four appear prominently in the game of baseball. There are three strikes for an out, three outs per half-inning (i.e., teams switch after three outs, ...
k_nu(x)=(e^(-x))/(Gamma(1+1/2nu))U(-1/2nu,0,2x) for x>0, where U is a confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind.
The batman curve is a piecewise curve in the shape of the logo of the Batman superhero originally posted on on Jul. 28, 2011. It can written as two functions, one ...
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