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9121 - 9130 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
A real polynomial P is said to be stable if all its roots lie in the left half-plane. The term "stable" is used to describe such a polynomial because, in the theory of linear ...
Let X be a set of v>=3 elements together with a set B of 3-subset (triples) of X such that every 2-subset of X occurs in exactly one triple of B. Then B is called a Steiner ...
Stirling's approximation gives an approximate value for the factorial function n! or the gamma function Gamma(n) for n>>1. The approximation can most simply be derived for n ...
The Struve function, denoted H_n(z) or occasionally H_n(z), is defined as H_nu(z)=(1/2z)^(nu+1)sum_(k=0)^infty((-1)^k(1/2z)^(2k))/(Gamma(k+3/2)Gamma(k+nu+3/2)), (1) where ...
A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
A theorem is a statement that can be demonstrated to be true by accepted mathematical operations and arguments. In general, a theorem is an embodiment of some general ...
A totalistic cellular automaton is a cellular automata in which the rules depend only on the total (or equivalently, the average) of the values of the cells in a ...
A transpose of a doubly indexed object is the object obtained by replacing all elements a_(ij) with a_(ji). For a second-tensor rank tensor a_(ij), the tensor transpose is ...
In database structures, two quantities are generally of interest: the average number of comparisons required to 1. Find an existing random record, and 2. Insert a new random ...
A vector bundle is special class of fiber bundle in which the fiber is a vector space V. Technically, a little more is required; namely, if f:E->B is a bundle with fiber R^n, ...
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