Search Results for "Theory of mind"
7651 - 7660 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results

Rings produced by cutting a strip that has been given m half twists and been re-attached into n equal strips (Ball and Coxeter 1987, pp. 127-128).
A set of blocks, also called a resolution class, that partition the set V, where (V,B) is a balanced incomplete block design.
A line and a plane are parallel if they do not intersect.
In the above figure, the sides a and b have the same length, appearances to the contrary. In the related illusion illustrated above, the interior lines appear to be of ...
The specification of a curve, surface, etc., by means of one or more variables which are allowed to take on values in a given specified range.
A Pareto plot is type of plot used in quality control applications that combines a bar chart displaying percentages of categories in the data with a line graph showing ...
The eigenvalues lambda satisfying P(lambda)=0, where P(lambda) is the characteristic polynomial, lie in the unions of the disks |z|<=1 |z+b_1|<=sum_(j=1)^n|b_j|.
The Poisson integral with n=0, J_0(z)=1/piint_0^picos(zcostheta)dtheta, where J_0(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind.
Let F(nu) and G(nu) be the Fourier transforms of f(t) and g(t), respectively. Then int_(-infty)^inftyf(t)g^_(t)dt ...
A metric defined by d(z,w)=sup{|ln[(u(z))/(u(w))]|:u in H^+}, where H^+ denotes the positive harmonic functions on a domain. The part metric is invariant under conformal maps ...