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For an arbitrary not identically constant polynomial, the zeros of its derivatives lie in the smallest convex polygon containing the zeros of the original polynomial.
Expresses a function in terms of its Radon transform, f(x,y) = R^(-1)(Rf)(x,y) (1) = ...
Let rho(x) be an mth degree polynomial which is nonnegative in [-1,1]. Then rho(x) can be represented in the form {[A(x)]^2+(1-x^2)[B(x)]^2 for m even; ...
If Omega subset= C is a domain and phi:Omega->C is a one-to-one analytic function, then phi(Omega) is a domain, and area(phi(Omega))=int_Omega|phi^'(z)|^2dxdy (Krantz 1999, ...
Given a Lyapunov characteristic exponent sigma_i, the corresponding Lyapunov characteristic number lambda_i is defined as lambda_i=e^(sigma_i). (1) For an n-dimensional ...
For a two-dimensional map with sigma_2>sigma_1, d_(Lya)=1-(sigma_1)/(sigma_2), where sigma_n are the Lyapunov characteristic exponents.
A necessary and sufficient condition for all the eigenvalues of a real n×n matrix A to have negative real parts is that the equation A^(T)V+VA=-I has as a solution where V is ...
If all the eigenvalues of a real matrix A have real parts, then to an arbitrary negative definite quadratic form (x,Wx) with x=x(t) there corresponds a positive definite ...
A Lyndon word is an aperiodic notation for representing a necklace.
If a sphere is covered by three closed sets, then one of them must contain a pair of antipodal points.
