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If it is possible to transform a coordinate system to a form where the metric elements g_(munu) are constants independent of x^mu, then the space is flat.
The flattening of a spheroid (also called oblateness) is denoted epsilon or f (Snyder 1987, p. 13). It is defined as epsilon={(a-c)/a=1-c/a oblate; (c-a)/a=c/a-1 prolate, (1) ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^3 maps satisfying f(0,0) = 0 (1) [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0) = -1 (2) [(partial^2f)/(partialx^2)]_(mu=0,x=0) < 0 (3) ...
The floor function |_x_|, also called the greatest integer function or integer value (Spanier and Oldham 1987), gives the largest integer less than or equal to x. The name ...
An action with G=R. Flows are generated by vector fields and vice versa.
Newton's term for a variable in his method of fluxions (differential calculus).
"Fluxion" is the term for derivative in Newton's calculus, generally denoted with a raised dot, e.g., f^.. The "d-ism" of Leibniz's df/dt eventually won the notation battle ...
The distance p (sometimes also denoted k) from the focus to the conic section directrix of a conic section. The following table gives the focal parameter for the different ...
Let M^n be an n-manifold and let F={F_alpha} denote a partition of M into disjoint pathwise-connected subsets. Then if F is a foliation of M, each F_alpha is called a leaf ...
If a proposition P is true for all B, this is written P forall B. forall is one of the two so-called quantifiers, and translates the universal quantifier forall . The Wolfram ...
