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The smallest possible number of vertices a polyhedral nonhamiltonian graph can have is 11, and there exist 74 such graphs. The Goldner-Harary graph (Goldner and Harary 1975a, ...
The Pappus graph is a cubic symmetric distance-regular graph on 18 vertices, illustrated above in three embeddings. It is Hamiltonian and can be represented in LCF notation ...
The skeleton of the tesseract, commonly denoted Q_4, is a quartic symmetric graph with girth 4 and diameter 4. The automorphism group of the tesseract is of order 2^7·3=384 ...
The cubical graph is the Platonic graph corresponding to the connectivity of the cube. It is isomorphic to the generalized Petersen graph GP(4,1), bipartite Kneser graph ...
The moth graph is the 6-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["MothGraph"].
The singleton graph is the graph consisting of a single isolated node with no edges. It is therefore the empty graph on one node. It is commonly denoted K_1 (i.e., the ...
The biconnected graph theta_0 on seven nodes and seven edges illustrated above. It has chromatic polynomial pi_(theta_0)(z)=z^7-8z^6+28z^5-56z^4+68z^3-47z^2+14z and chromatic ...
The path graph P_n is a tree with two nodes of vertex degree 1, and the other n-2 nodes of vertex degree 2. A path graph is therefore a graph that can be drawn so that all of ...
There are at least two graphs associated with H. Walther. A graph on 25 vertices which appears somewhat similar to Tutte's fragment is implemented without discussion or ...
An (n,k)-banana tree, as defined by Chen et al. (1997), is a graph obtained by connecting one leaf of each of n copies of an k-star graph with a single root vertex that is ...
