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81 - 90 of 2285 for Symmetric Positive Definite MatrixSearch Results
The inverse of a square matrix A, sometimes called a reciprocal matrix, is a matrix A^(-1) such that AA^(-1)=I, (1) where I is the identity matrix. Courant and Hilbert (1989, ...
Any discrete finite wavelet transform can be represented as a matrix, and such a wavelet matrix can be computed in O(n) steps, compared to O(nlgn) for the Fourier matrix, ...
An Alexander matrix is a presentation matrix for the Alexander invariant H_1(X^~) of a knot K. If V is a Seifert matrix for a tame knot K in S^3, then V^(T)-tV and V-tV^(T) ...
A finite or infinite square matrix with rational entries. (If the matrix is infinite, all but a finite number of entries in each row must be 0.) The sum or product of two ...
A zero matrix is an m×n matrix consisting of all 0s (MacDuffee 1943, p. 27), denoted 0. Zero matrices are sometimes also known as null matrices (Akivis and Goldberg 1972, p. ...
A monotonic matrix of order n is an n×n matrix in which every element is either 0 or contains a number from the set {1,...,n} subject to the conditions 1. The filled-in ...
A polynomial with matrix coefficients. An nth order matrix polynomial in a variable t is given by P(t)=A_0+A_1t+A_2t^2+...+A_nt^n, where A_k are p×p square matrices.
The identity matrix is a the simplest nontrivial diagonal matrix, defined such that I(X)=X (1) for all vectors X. An identity matrix may be denoted 1, I, E (the latter being ...
Given a set V of m vectors (points in R^n), the Gram matrix G is the matrix of all possible inner products of V, i.e., g_(ij)=v_i^(T)v_j. where A^(T) denotes the transpose. ...
An n×m matrix A^- is a 1-inverse of an m×n matrix A for which AA^-A=A. (1) The Moore-Penrose matrix inverse is a particular type of 1-inverse. A matrix equation Ax=b (2) has ...
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