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A surface of revolution defined by Kepler. It consists of less than half of a circular arc rotated about an axis passing through the endpoints of the arc. The equations of ...
A projection of the Veronese surface into three dimensions (which must contain singularities) is called a Steiner surface. A classification of Steiner surfaces allowing ...
A surface S is n-embeddable if it can be placed in R^n-space without self-intersections, but cannot be similarly placed in any R^k for k<n. A surface so embedded is said to ...
The quartic surface resembling a squashed round cushion on a barroom stool and given by the equation z^2x^2-z^4-2zx^2+2z^3+x^2-z^2 -(x^2-z)^2-y^4-2x^2y^2-y^2z^2+2y^2z+y^2=0.
An algebraic surface of degree eight. The maximum number of ordinary double points known to exist on an octic surface is 168 (the Endraß octics), although the rigorous upper ...
A regular surface M subset R^n is called orientable if each tangent space M_p has a complex structure J_p:M_p->M_p such that p->J_p is a continuous function.
A surface such as the Möbius strip or Klein bottle (Gray 1997, pp. 322-323) on which there exists a closed path such that the directrix is reversed when moved around this ...
Let Delta_1, Delta_2, and Delta_3 be tetrahedra in projective three-space P^3. Then the tetrahedra are said to be desmically related if there exist constants alpha, beta, and ...
A surface of constant Gaussian curvature that can be given parametrically by x = a(Ucosu-U^'sinu) (1) y = -a(Usinu+U^'cosu) (2) z = v-aV^', (3) where U = ...
An orientable surface with one boundary component such that the boundary component of the surface is a given knot K. In 1934, Seifert proved that such a surface can be ...
