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The limaçon is a polar curve of the form r=b+acostheta (1) also called the limaçon of Pascal. It was first investigated by Dürer, who gave a method for drawing it in ...
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel (and therefore opposite angles equal). A quadrilateral with equal sides is called a rhombus, and a ...
Given a point P, the pedal triangle of P is the triangle whose polygon vertices are the feet of the perpendiculars from P to the side lines. The pedal triangle of a triangle ...
"Abstract nonsense" is a nonderogatory term that is commonly used by mathematicians when skipping over parts of an argument that can be proven through a commonly used long ...
An Achilles number is a positive integer that is powerful (in the sense that each prime factor occurs with exponent greater than one) but imperfect (in the sense that the ...
An addition chain for a number n is a sequence 1=a_0<a_1<...<a_r=n, such that each member after a_0 is the sum of two earlier (not necessarily distinct) ones. The number r is ...
The identity element of an additive group G, usually denoted 0. In the additive group of vectors, the additive identity is the zero vector 0, in the additive group of ...
Given an acute angle in a right triangle, the adjacent side is the leg of the triangle from which the angle to the hypotenuse is measured. Lengths of adjacent and opposite ...
A term in logic meaning pertaining to truth and falsehood.
In probability, an event with Lebesgue measure 1.
