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Relations in the definition of a Steenrod algebra which state that, for i<2j, Sq^i degreesSq^j(x)=sum_(k=0)^(|_i/2_|)(j-k-1; i-2k)Sq^(i+j-k) degreesSq^k(x), where f degreesg ...
The alternating harmonic series is the series sum_(k=1)^infty((-1)^(k-1))/k=ln2, which is the special case eta(1) of the Dirichlet eta function eta(z) and also the x=1 case ...
The number of ways in which a group of n with weights sum_(i=1)^(n)w_i=1 can change a losing coalition (one with sumw_i<1/2) to a winning one, or vice versa. It was proposed ...
Let m>=3 be an integer and let f(x)=sum_(k=0)^na_kx^(n-k) be an integer polynomial that has at least one real root. Then f(x) has infinitely many prime divisors that are not ...
For P, Q, R, and S polynomials in n variables [P·Q,R·S]=sum_(i_1,...,i_n>=0)A/(i_1!...i_n!), (1) where A=[R^((i_1,...,i_n))(D_1,...,D_n)Q(x_1,...,x_n) ...
The nth order Bernstein expansion of a function f(x) in terms of a variable x is given by B_n(f,x)=sum_(j=0)^n(n; j)x^j(1-x)^(n-j)f(j/n), (1) (Gzyl and Palacios 1997, Mathé ...
Let phi(t)=sum_(n=0)^(infty)A_nt^n be any function for which the integral I(x)=int_0^inftye^(-tx)t^pphi(t)dt converges. Then the expansion where Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
sum_(k=0)^m(phi_k(x)phi_k(y))/(gamma_k)=(phi_(m+1)(x)phi_m(y)-phi_m(x)phi_(m+1)(y))/(a_mgamma_m(x-y),) (1) where phi_k(x) are orthogonal polynomials with weighting function ...
Let the absolute frequencies of occurrence of an event in a number of class intervals be denoted f_1, f_2, .... The cumulative frequency corresponding to the upper boundary ...
To enumerate a set of objects satisfying some set of properties means to explicitly produce a listing of all such objects. The problem of determining or counting all such ...
