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901 - 910 of 1606 for Square roots and radicalsSearch Results
A disk with radius 1. The (open) unit disk can also be considered to be the region in the complex plane defined by {z:|z|<1}, where |z| denotes the complex modulus. (The ...
The integral of 1/r over the unit disk U is given by intint_(U)(dA)/r = intint_(U)(dxdy)/(sqrt(x^2+y^2)) (1) = int_0^(2pi)int_0^1(rdrdtheta)/r (2) = 2piint_0^1dr (3) = 2pi. ...
The unit upper half-disk is the portion of the complex plane satisfying {|z|<=1,I[z]>0}.
Recall the definition of the autocorrelation function C(t) of a function E(t), C(t)=int_(-infty)^inftyE^_(tau)E(t+tau)dtau. (1) Also recall that the Fourier transform of E(t) ...
A method for constructing magic squares of odd order, also called the Siamese method.
The symbol used by engineers and some physicists to denote i, the imaginary number sqrt(-1). j is probably preferred over i because the symbol i (or I) is commonly used to ...
An algorithm originally described by Barnsley in 1988. Pick a point at random inside a regular n-gon. Then draw the next point a fraction r of the distance between it and a ...
A completely positive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that can be factorized as A=BB^(T), where B^(T) stands for the transpose of B and B is any (not ...
A strongly regular graph with parameters (n,k,a,c) has graph eigenvalues k, theta, and tau, where theta = ((a-c)+sqrt(Delta))/2 (1) tau = ((a-c)-sqrt(Delta))/2 (2) where ...
The homomorphism S which, according to the snake lemma, permits construction of an exact sequence (1) from the above commutative diagram with exact rows. The homomorphism S ...
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