
Connecting Homomorphism


The homomorphism S which, according to the snake lemma, permits construction of an exact sequence


from the above commutative diagram with exact rows. The homomorphism S is defined by


for all c in Ker(gamma), Im denotes the image, and a^' is obtained through the following construction, based on diagram chasing.

1. Exploit the surjectivity of g to find b in B such that c=g(b).

2. Since 0=gamma(c)=gamma(g(b))=g^'(beta(b)) because of the commutativity of the right square, beta(b) belongs to Ker(g^'), which is equal to Im(f^') due to the exactness of the lower row at B^'. This allows us to find a^' in A^' such that beta(b)=f^'(a^').

While the elements b and a^' are not uniquely determined, the coset a^'+Im(alpha) is, as can be proven by using more diagram chasing. In particular, if b^_ and a^_^' are other elements fulfilling the requirements of steps (1) and (2), then c=g(b^_) and beta(b^_)=f^'(a^_^'), and


hence b-b^_ in Ker(g)=Im(f) because of the exactness of the upper row at B. Let a in A be such that




because the left square is commutative. Since f^' is injective, it follows that

 a^'-a^_^'=alpha(a) in Im(alpha),

and so


See also

Cokernel, Commutative Diagram, Diagram Chasing, Exact Sequence, Group Kernel, Snake Lemma

This entry contributed by Margherita Barile

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Bourbaki, N. "Le diagramme du serpent." §1.2 in Algèbre. Chap. 10, Algèbre Homologique. Paris, France: Masson, 3-7, 1980.Lang, S. Algebra, rev. 3rd ed. New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 158-159, 2002.Mac Lane, S. Categories for the Working Mathematician. New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 202-204, 1971.Munkres, J. R. Elements of Algebraic Topology. New York: Perseus Books Pub.,p. 141, 1993.

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Connecting Homomorphism

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Barile, Margherita. "Connecting Homomorphism." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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