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4521 - 4530 of 13135 for Square Triangular NumberSearch Results

Consider the Lagrange interpolating polynomial f(x)=b_0+(x-1)(b_1+(x-2)(b_3+(x-3)+...)) (1) through the points (n,p_n), where p_n is the nth prime. For the first few points, ...
Let x=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) and y=(y_1,y_2,...,y_n) be nonincreasing sequences of real numbers. Then x majorizes y if, for each k=1, 2, ..., n, sum_(i=1)^kx_i>=sum_(i=1)^ky_i, ...
The Mephisto waltz sequence is defined by beginning with 0 and then iterating the maps 0->001 and 1->110. This gives 0, 001, 001001110, 001001110001001110110110001, ... (OEIS ...
There are four fixed points (mod 1) of Minkowski's question mark function ?(x), namely x=0, 1/2, f and 1-f, where f<1/2 is a constant known as the Minkowski-Bower constant ...
For a triangle DeltaABC and three points A^', B^', and C^', one on each of its sides, the three Miquel circles are the circles passing through each polygon vertex and its ...
A modular inverse of an integer b (modulo m) is the integer b^(-1) such that bb^(-1)=1 (mod m). A modular inverse can be computed in the Wolfram Language using PowerMod[b, ...
In 1979, Conway and Norton discovered an unexpected intimate connection between the monster group M and the j-function. The Fourier expansion of j(tau) is given by (1) (OEIS ...
What is the longest ladder that can be moved around a right-angled hallway of unit width? For a straight, rigid ladder, the answer is 2sqrt(2), which allows the ladder to ...
Two integers n and m<n are (alpha,beta)-multiamicable if sigma(m)-m=alphan and sigma(n)-n=betam, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and alpha,beta are positive integers. ...
The decimal expansion of the natural logarithm of 10 is given by ln10=2.302585092994045684... (1) (OEIS A002392). It is also given by the BBP-type formulas ln10 = (2) = ...
