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The Banach density of a set A of integers is defined as lim_(d->infty)max_(n)(|{A intersection [n+1,...,n+d]}|)/d, if the limit exists. If the lim is replaced with lim sup or ...
For P, Q, R, and S polynomials in n variables [P·Q,R·S]=sum_(i_1,...,i_n>=0)A/(i_1!...i_n!), (1) where A=[R^((i_1,...,i_n))(D_1,...,D_n)Q(x_1,...,x_n) ...
Integers (lambda,mu) for a and b that satisfy Bézout's identity lambdaa+mub=GCD(a,b) are called Bézout numbers. For integers a_1, ..., a_n, the Bézout numbers are a set of ...
Relates invariants of a curve defined over the integers. If this inequality were proven true, then Fermat's last theorem would follow for sufficiently large exponents. ...
A pair of positive integers (a_1,a_2) such that the equations a_1+a_2x=sigma(a_1)=sigma(a_2)(x+1) (1) have a positive integer solution x, where sigma(n) is the divisor ...
Brocard's conjecture states that pi(p_(n+1)^2)-pi(p_n^2)>=4 for n>=2, where pi(n) is the prime counting function and p_n is the nth prime. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few ...
Cahen's constant is defined as C = sum_(k=0)^(infty)((-1)^k)/(a_k-1) (1) = 0.64341054628... (2) (OEIS A118227), where a_k is the kth term of Sylvester's sequence.
1 calcus=1/(2304).
A finite, increasing sequence of integers {a_1,...,a_m} such that (a_i-1)|(a_1...a_(m-1)) for i=1, ..., m, where m|n indicates that m divides n. A Carmichael sequence has ...
The operating of shifting the leading digits of an addition into the next column to the left when the sum of that column exceeds a single digit (i.e., 9 in base 10).
