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621 - 630 of 3276 for Special Unitary GroupSearch Results
In 1979, Conway and Norton discovered an unexpected intimate connection between the monster group M and the j-function. The Fourier expansion of j(tau) is given by (1) (OEIS ...
A class formed by sets in R^n which have essentially the same structure, regardless of size, shape and dimension. The "essential structure" is what a set keeps when it is ...
Cartesian coordinates are rectilinear two- or three-dimensional coordinates (and therefore a special case of curvilinear coordinates) which are also called rectangular ...
A triangle center function (sometimes simply called a center function) is a nonzero function f(a,b,c) that is homogeneous f(ta,tb,tc)=t^nf(a,b,c) (1) bisymmetry in b and c, ...
A vector bundle is special class of fiber bundle in which the fiber is a vector space V. Technically, a little more is required; namely, if f:E->B is a bundle with fiber R^n, ...
If a discrete group of displacements in the plane has more than one center of rotation, then the only rotations that can occur are by 2, 3, 4, and 6. This can be shown as ...
An affine tensor is a tensor that corresponds to certain allowable linear coordinate transformations, T:x^_^i=a^i_jx^j, where the determinant of a^i_j is nonzero. This ...
For a general quadrilateral with sides of length a, b, c, and d, the area K is given by (1) where s=1/2(a+b+c+d) (2) is the semiperimeter, A is the angle between a and d, and ...
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are a set of orthogonal polynomials defined as the solutions to the Chebyshev differential equation and denoted T_n(x). They are ...
Chevalley's theorem, also known as the Chevalley-Waring theorem, states that if f is a polynomial in F[x_1,...,x_n], where F is a finite field of field characteristic p, and ...
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